Cheap as craft : The fridge magnet

Oh, I know. “Craft” you share online is generally those gorgeous handmade dolls in patchwork clothing or the weird but charming knitted monsters.. Pretty, but yeah, not me really.

I still do ‘stuff’ with and for my boy, sometimes spontaneously and i actually LIKE it best when it doesn’t cost us a penny. Budget craft.

Today I drew a smiley on a very evenly shaped stone my boy had found in the garden.
I stood in the kitchen and saw an old magnet on the fridge that had lost whatever decoration was once stuck on it. A few drops of superglue later :

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I don’t know if you can buy “empty” magnets. For more rocks.. or other things that would look cool on a fridge. I am thinking of shells or pieces of wood… Hm.. 🙂

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